Examples of therapy sessions

Here you can find some summaries of therapy sessions (anonymising the patients, so they cannot be identified).

A tough life

A karmic projection into a present life childhood trauma

Louise*, an elegant German lady with a career as a public official, explained her issues to me: sexual abuse as a child, emotional abuse, bullying at work, suicidal tendencies. She was in her early 30s.

I was wandering how many sessions would she need to go through to heal all these traumas. She was regressed to a past life where she was a young male adult (18/19 years old), in New York.

He** was a disk jockey. There was an attractive girl (around his age) dancing in the disco. He got involved with her and she got pregnant. They decided to continue living together.

Fifteen years or so later, there is a happy family (including the extended family) in big family reunions by the table in the couple’s house. They are all happy.

Fast forward another 20 years, and we see the middle aged man desperate. He lost everything: the family, the job (we did not see how). He lost hope and decided to commit suicide.

After death, I took the spirit to the Light to speak to the Masters. The spirit said to the Masters: “I’m happy in the Light. I would like to stay here”. The Masters answered the spirit would have been able to remain in the Light, had he lived his life to the full - and not committed suicide. The spirit understood it.

When I brought my client back from the light hypnosis, Louise enthusiastically told me: “I understood why I could not stay in the Light and why I had to start my life with so many difficulties this time. Now, I want to live my life to the full. I have plenty of ideas of what I want to do this life!”

As a therapist, I was impressed a client who came to see me for the first time, had got so many tough issues solved in less than 2,5 hours. I understood that even though she was in her early 30s, she did go through lots of traumatic events in her life, and had put a lot of effort (including in other types of therapy) into solving them. Each effort we do in solving our karmic issues pays of. She told me she understood why she had to go through what she went through, and that she wanted to live a long time, and do a lot this life. She also said she wanted to die a natural death.

A career issue

When a career blockage signals the need for change

Sahishnu*, a serious hindu biotech engineer in his late thirties, came to see me to check about his career issues. Sahishnu had lots of successful high level degrees, spoke several languages and was very successful in his career, but, lately, he seemed to come to a headwall. He said: “I know my subject very well, but when I try a certain examination to go up in my career, I stumble each time in the same spot, without any explanation. Why can’t I advance my career?”

I started taking stalk of Sahishnu’s family background, sicknesses and other issues, as I usually do. It came out that Sahishnu loved painting and has been a talented painter when he was 13 years old. Back then, he considered becoming a painter, but he heard from his elder brother: “What, a painter? That’s lost time. You better do something else to earn money, not be a painter”.

Because of this comment, Sahishnu decided to abandon painting altogether, though the frustration feeling never left him. I decided, with his agreement, to regress Sahishnu to when he was 13 years old and relive his memories about the incident and the comments of his brother. Usually, I would go through several procedures to call back the lost fragments of the trauma Sahishnu had connected to his wish to be a painter. But, to my surprise, the fragments came back by themselves, without my invitation, and Sahishnu started feeling whole and content.

He decided to continue working as a biotech engineer and to do painting in his free time. I had the suspicion that would unblock his examination and allow his biotech career to evolve, whilst he developed his proficient talents as a painter.

* Names, places and other details are changed to anonymise the identity of patients.

** I’m now referring to what the patient was in the past life.


Issues and duration of treatment


Articles published